Parents » Digital Citizenship Resources for Parents

Digital Citizenship Resources for Parents

We have provided links to several valuable resources for parents on Digital Citizenship and Cyberbullying below. In the digital age, it is important for parents to be up-to-date on the issues surrounding digital media.

Common Sense Media Parent Advice - Common Sense Media has a wealth of resources and information about digital safety. This section of the website is dedicated to informing parents and answering concerns you might have. Topics include Cyberbullying, Privacy and Internet Safety, and Social Media as well as several others. Each topic includes FAQ's, articles and videos, and questions can be filtered by age. This is a valuable resource if you have questions about any of these topics.

NetSmartz - NetSmartz is a website that educates parents and kids about internet safety. The parent and guardian section has topics such as Cell Phones, Cyberbullying, email & chat rooms, internet safety, and social networking. The site includes engaging videos with animations and real-life stories. It offers tips for parents as well as discussion starters for talks with your kids.

NetFamilyNews - This is a blog by Anne Collier that includes many posts dealing with parenting, digital citizenship, and safety. Many of the articles provide up-to-date information on these ever evolving topics. Click on the "parenting" for parenting tips, or type a word or phrase into the search bar if you would like to see posts on a particular topic. Some relevant posts include, "A YouTube for the Littlest Video Viewers" and "Perfect Digital Parenting Doesn't Exist." - This is the cyberbullying section of the website. This has articles that define cyberbullying, gives tips on how to prevent it and what to do when cyberbullying happens. The website also includes several relevant videos and data about these topics. It includes a section on how to report cyberbullying to the proper authorities, to the school, and to internet service providers. - This "For Parents" section of this website provides articles and resources on teaching your child digital citizenship. Topics include Raising Digital Citizens, Cyberbullying and Harassment, Parental Controls and Gaming Tips. Each section contains bulleted lists of information on the topic. This website provides many additional resources if you need further information about a topic.